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Manage Pricebooks

Create a New Pricebook

To create a new Pricebook in the system, do the following:

  1. Click the Create button in the Services-Pricebooks section.

Click the Create button

  1. Enter the Pricebook name.

Add a pricebook name

  1. Click the Save button.

Click the Save button

Define discounts

There are three discount types in the system:

  • Percentage Discount - A certain percentage that you have determined for the clinic is deducted from the amount for the service;
  • Static Discount - The amount you paid is deducted from the amount in the price list;
  • Absolute Price - You enter the new amount that the customer must pay for the service.

To define the discount, do the following:

  1. Choose the service whre you need to define the discount and click the button in the Actions column.

Click to define discount

  1. Select the discount type.

Select the discount type

  1. Enter the discount sum.

Define the sum

  1. Click the Submit button.

As a result, the system displays the original price and discount.

Price and a discount

  1. Click the Save button.

Next step - you need link the pricebook with the clinic.

TO link the pricebook with the clinic, do the following:

  1. Go to the Customers->Clinics section.
  2. Select the clinic where you need to use your pricebook with the discounts (click on the clinic name).
  3. Click the Edit button.
  4. Select the pricebook with discounts.

Select pricebook from the list

  1. Click the Save button.

As a result, the amount with this discount will be displayed for the services for which a discount was defined.