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Add a New Order

The dental laboratory must receive a detailed description and requirements for the final product before it can manufacture dentures and other products.

You must create an order in the system and send it to the laboratory.

Create Order button

Click the Create Order button on the main page.

Create Order button

Select a Customer

Select a Customer from the drop-down list.

Select Customer from the list

Click the Continue button.

Main fields in the order

  • Title - Client’s name;
  • Sex - Select the client’s sex;
  • Imprint type - Select the Imprint’s type;
  • Appointment date - Select the date when this order must be completed;
  • Color - Imprint’s color;
  • Implant System - Add the Implant System type, you need to use
  • Requirements - add all additional requirements to the order;
  • Teeth - select teeth you need to work with;

Select Teeth

You can select one or more teeth.

Selected Teeth

Remove selection from one tooth

Select Services

Go to the Available Services section and click on the service name you need.

Select Service from the list

Selected service displays in the Order Services section.

Service without teeth


Dental Map

With the help of a dental map, define the dental structures (implant, bridge).

Click the Edit button.

Please, read the detailed information here.

Order Files

Add files to the order. Click on the field of the mouse cursor and select the files from the local disk of your computer.

Remove image from the order

Remove all images from the order

Save and publish the order

Click the Save button if you need to have additional information from the client. In this case, the system saves the order with the Draft status and doesn’t send it to the laboratory.

Order with the Draft status

Click the Send button to send the order to the laboratory. The order status changes to the Published.

Published Order