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Create a work plan

To create a work plan (distribute order fulfillment among laboratory employees):

Go to the Order

Go the the Orders-Inbox section and select the order.

Select Order from the list

Create the work plan

Automatic work planning

Do the following:

  1. Click the Auto plan order link.

Click the Auto Plan Order

  1. Select the executor of the task.

Click the Auto Plan Order.

Add tasks yourself

  1. Click the Add Tasks button.

Click the Auto Plan Order

The page for adding tasks to the work plan

The page for adding tasks to the work plan displays the following:

  1. Services you need to use to fulfill the order.
  2. The Create Task button. Click this button to create a new task in the system and add it to the work plan.
  3. The Add Task button. Cick this button to add a task to the work plan.
  4. The Autoplan button creates a work plan automatically.

Click the Auto Plan Order

Add Task

Click the Add Task button to add a task to the work plan.

In the dialog Add Task To Order do the following:

  • Select a Task from the drop-down list;
  • Assignee - select an employee who needs to complete this task;
  • How many times an employee needs to complete this task.

Add Task to the Order

Click the Submit button to save changes.

Created Plan

Click the Back to Order button to open the order page. The system displays added tasks on the order page.

Tasks on the Order Page

Tasks on the Order Page