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Create a Dental Map

You can create a Dental map when you create a new order in the system.

You can do the following:

  • Mark the teeth that need to be treated (or other manipulations);
  • Add a list of services to the selected teeth;
  • Mark the structures (bridge, implant) you need for treatment.

Select Teeth and Services

To select Teeth and link Services to them, do the following:

  1. Go to the Teeth section and select the teeth you need (click on them with the mouse cursor).

Selected Teeth

  1. Select the services you need.

Selected Services

Define Dental construction

To define Dental construction, do the following:

  • Click the Edit button.

Click the Edit button

  • Select the tooth on the map and then do the following:
  1. To define the construction as a Bridge:
  • Select All teeth you need to add to the bridge.
  • Click the button Bridge.

Define Bridge

Define Implants

  1. To add in Implant to the Dental Map, do the following:
  • Click on the tooth on the map.
  • Click the Single button.
  • Click on the same tooth again.
  • Click the Implant button.

Define Implants

Click the Close button to close the Dental Map dialog.