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DSO Docs

Customers and Clinics


The Customers section displays all customers registered in the system.

Customer List

To view the detailed customer’s page, click on its name (in the Customer column).

The page with the detailed information displays the customer contacts and orders made by this particular customer.

On the сcustomer list page, you can do the following:

  • Use search - it can be a search on all fields or one field.

Search on the customer page

  • Use filters to filter records on the page. Add the filter criteria to the field.
  • Define the columns you want to see in the table.

Table Settings


The system includes a list of clinics in addition to the list of customers. If several dentists work in a particular clinic, they are attached to this clinic in the system.

Clinics List

In addition, you can see all orders related to the selected clinic and whether there are personal discounts for this clinic.